I Wear the Same Outfit

Outfit repeating use to be something that bothered me a lot, I felt as though people would notice and maybe people do, but I’ve come to a point were I really don’t care. I find myself alternating through the same cycle of clothes (if you’re wondering, yes I do my laundry) changing certain things or wearing the exact same outfit i wore a week ago. I do that because it’s what I’m comfortable with and I like it. I have been living for my BDG girlfriend jeans, I love how they fit and how high waisted it is, to be the perfect pair of jeans. I also have this black and white crop top I bought from Brandy Melville, which I’ve worn to death but I just love it. Similar to a television character who wears the same thing, I thought about it; high waisted jeans and crops tops are my go to outfit.


What is Crazyluzer?

Crazyluzer is a blog I started when i was entering my freshman year of high school. I had no idea who I was, what I wanted in life; All I knew that summer was I wanted to talk about fashion. I didn’t know what I was writing about, most of the time I took ideas from other blogs and put my twist on it. I fell into a rut and post on and off. I told myself “write what you want to write about,” or  “what you want to read,”. That never really happened.

I’ve had this blog for four years collecting dust on the internet. Fast forward to now, I’m entering my senior year of high school which is terrifying but exciting. I finally (somewhat) get to work on something I’m passionate about, which is art. I’m applying to art school, for fashion design and I want to record my work and my journey through it and throw just whatever all here. This is very brief, but this is the end of my hiatus and I hope you’ll join me on this journey.

She’s Alive (I’m back)

So its been over a year since my last post (oops). I lost interest in blogging because I felt like I had nothing better to say and who would be interested. I started this blog in July 2013 because I wanted a way to express my love for fashion but like now I realize I want to this blog to be about anything. So crazyluzer.com is going to have a little change, i named the blog “Crazyluzer” because I was in middle school and it used to be my  Instagram handle but it doesn’t really represent me anymore I think its time for a change. I want the blog to grow and change while I grow and change. Long story short I do plan on changing my blog name and the content that I post. This was a short and sweet update from me



HI! I’m Luz and I am a procrastinator; that’s is a very sad thing to admit about, but yes I am. Well school has started for me yay (sarcasm) which means homework time!!! The problem is that its not a lot of work, I just make it a lot of work because I wait till the last minute. URGH I get so distracted so easily, to the point were I actually decide clean my room instead of doing homework which I guess I can say isn’t really procrastinating but still… I find myself watching the most random-est videos on youtube like babies laughing to pancake art ( I get bored very fast). Now I get work done in very small amounts which take FOREVER. This past summer I had an assignment for my A.P class I’m taking this year, it was I had to write 2 outline, and four essays, when I first was assigned it I thought “This is so much work, I will start this A.S.A.P,” nope that didn’t happened. I took me a month to do the first outline because I was so lazy, then I literally realize CRAP I only have 3 weeks to finish the rest of this assignment. I finished the 2nd outline in about a week and held off doing the essay until the day before school ( not the best thing to do) FOUR essays in one day. When I finished the entire assignment it hit me ” Wow if I didn’t procrastinate, I probably would have been able to finish every thing in less then a month,”. So there’s a little story that happened.

Now I want to update about this blog. It’s not procrastination that is preventing me from posting it two things: writers block and lack of confidence, you see I read a bunch bloggers and compare my content to theirs and the quality of my picture and stuff like that and feel meh. Just now I come to realization I shouldn’t really care because they’ve been blogging for X amount of years of course they amazing. Also don’t tell anyone about my blog because honestly in this generation how many people actually take them time to read anymore. I want to start a Youtube channel but yet again I don’t know how I feel about it, but I am gonna get a schedule and figure out when to post something.

COngratz if you actually made it this far in the post. Yes this one involves a lot of reading but this only happens rarely.

Luz 🙂

Alexander Wang NYFW

These are some of the pieces from the Alexander Wang S/S 2015 runway show, also some of my favorite piece. The outfits give a futuristic vibe with the different patterns and the bright colors. We see different textures from beaded tops to some mesh, we also see a lot of cut outs. The top in the first outfit I really want in my wardrobe. 🙂



Which are your favorite looks?

Picture are from Style.com